I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away five months ago after a heart attack.

I believe all mourners should hear it

Out of all the friends we had, only one couple said those words to me.

it seems like many of my so-called friends have fallen off the face of the earth.

it is the wife who "nurtures" the social relationships

Something similar may be causing their reluctance to talk about your wife.

They may fear that bringing her up in conversation will somehow cause you pain, which is why they avoid it.

If you want to end your isolation,

You can bring her up first to put them at ease.

If you want to spend time with your friends, reach out and call them first.

they might not want to spend time dwelling on your dead wife with you.

*Dwell on/upon sth ~을 곱씹다,

It's a shame his friends are blowing him off.

*Blow sb off ~를 바람맞히다 / 관계를 청산하다


I feel like she's trying to one-up me or divert attention away from my child

*One-up (on sb) 한발 앞서다

*Divert attention 주의를 전환하다 /

*Away (from sb/sth) (시간적, 공간적으로) 떨어져[떨어진 곳에] / 자리에 없는, 결석한

We come from a big, tight-knit family

I tell her politely to please stop stealing my thunder

*Steal one’s thunder 관심을 가로채다 / Center of the attention 초미의 관심사 (주목하고 있는 한 가운데)

Whether she's doing it consciously or not

*Consciously 의식[자각]하여, 의식적으로

Her bids for attention are really rather sad

*Bid for attention = Pay attention

I'm tempted to start the countdown now

*Be tempted to ~하고 싶다, ~하도록 유혹당하다

Spontaneously 자발적으로


Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory


I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away five months ago after a heart attack.

전 5달전에 심장마비로 죽은 아주 매력적인 여자와 결혼했었습니다.

Why do people act as if the one who has passed away never existed?

왜 사람들은 어떤 사람을 죽으면 아예 없었던 사람처럼 행동할까요?

Please talk about her. Talk about her often. Tell me good things about her.

제 와이프에 대해 얘기하고, 더 자주 얘기하고, 좋았던 점들을 얘기해줬음 좋겠어요

If you wonder about the right thing to say -- and I believe all mourners should hear it -- here it is: Tell me my wife loved me, tell me I made her happy, tell me she knew I loved her and knew she made me happy.

만약 뭐가 올바르게 얘기하는 건지 궁금하다면, 그리고 모든 문상객들이 들어야 한다고 믿는것은, 여기있어. 나에게 얘기해줘 내 와이프가 날 사랑했다고, 내가 그녈 행복하게 해줬다고, 내가 사랑했다는걸 그녀가 알고 있었다고 그리고 그녀가 날 행복하게 만들었다는 것 알고 있었다고.

Repeat it as often as you can.

될수 있으면 자주 말해줘

Out of all the friends we had, only one couple said those words to me.

내 친구들 중에 오직 한 커플만이 내게 이 이야기를 해젔어요

When I heard them I cried, but I was also comforted.

들었을 때 난 울었지만, 물론 위로도 됐었어요.

Also, it seems like many of my so-called friends have fallen off the face of the earth.

또한 이건 소위 내 많은 친구들이 사라지는 것과 같아요 *Vanish off the face of the earth | 흔적도 없이 사라지다. 연기처럼 사라지다.

Now is when they are needed most.

지금 그들이 가장 필요한 때에요

I wish I knew why they don't come to see me. Is it me? -- ALONE IN ALABAMA

난 내가 그들이 왜 난 보러 오지 않는 이유를 알고 있었으면 좋겠어요. 내가 문제인가요?



Probably not.

아마도 그건 아닐거에요

There could be more than one reason for it.

한가지 이유가 아닐거에요

With many couples, it is the wife who "nurtures" the social relationships.

많은 커플들은 그건 당신의 와이프에요 사화적 관계를 키운

Also, your friends may be afraid that because they are couples and you are a widower, you might be uncomfortable spending time with them.

물론 다른 친구들은 아마 두려워 할거에요 그들은 커플이고 당신은 홀아비니까 당신이 아마 불편하게 느낄감정 그들과 함꼐 시간을 보내는 동안

Something similar may be causing their reluctance to talk about your wife.

뭔가 비슷한것은 아마 일어나고 있어요 그들의 꺼림이 말할때 당신의 와이프에 대해서

They may fear that bringing her up in conversation will somehow cause you pain, which is why they avoid it.

그들은 아마 무서울거에요 그녀를 대화에 불러일으키는 것이 아마 다소 당신의 아픔을 일으킨다고 그게 왜 그들이 그걸 피하는 이유일거에요

Death is an uncomfortable subject for many people, but I hope my readers will take your comments to heart.

죽음은 불편한 주제죠 많은 사람들에게, 하지만 난 바래요 내 독자들은 당신의 얘기를 마음으로 담을 거라고

If you want to end your isolation, you may have to call your friends and invite them instead of being passive and waiting for them to contact you.

만약 당신이 고립을 끝내고 싶다면 너는 아마 해야해 전화를 네 친구들에게 그리고 초대해 그들을 수동적으로, 연락을 기다리는 대신아

Please accept my sympathy for your loss.

삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다




- They don’t want to talk about her, because they don’t know how you’ll react. You can bring her up first to put them at ease.
If you want to spend time with your friends, reach out and call them first.
However, they might not want to spend time dwelling on your dead wife with you.

*Dwell on/upon sth ~을 곱씹다,

Death makes people uncomfortable. The fact that you started crying while talking to one couple might explain their reluctance.


- It doesn't seem like his friends aren't being very supportive. There's nothing wrong with one of them picking up the phone to say hi and check in. It's a shame his friends are blowing him off.

*Blow sb off ~를 바람맞히다 / 관계를 청산하다



My opinion

Death... that is really hard thing to deal with....!

Even me, it's really hard to comfort someone who lose their family

Once I went to a funeral that my friend's little brother, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere. at that time I realized it's kind of sin to die before parents and I can not forget my friend's parents' look. they doesn't lose their kid, but a part of their body, soul.

anyway I couldn't do anything at that time 'cause even though I said or did something, nothing would change.

Maybe that's why LW's friends could't say anything about LW's wife

everytime I go to funerals, I always hope all of people spend their whole life and die.

It's not LW's fault but If LW told their friends I'm okay, just come tell me about my wife, they'd be pleased to visit him.


I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away five months ago after a heart attack.

I believe all mourners should hear it

Out of all the friends we had, only one couple said those words to me.

it seems like many of my so-called friends have fallen off the face of the earth.

it is the wife who "nurtures" the social relationships

Something similar may be causing their reluctance to talk about your wife.

They may fear that bringing her up in conversation will somehow cause you pain, which is why they avoid it.

If you want to end your isolation,

 You can bring her up first to put them at ease.
If you want to spend time with your friends, reach out and call them first.

they might not want to spend time dwelling on your dead wife with you.

*Dwell on/upon sth ~을 곱씹다,

It's a shame his friends are blowing him off.

*Blow sb off ~를 바람맞히다 / 관계를 청산하다


I feel like she's trying to one-up me or divert attention away from my child

We come from a big, tight-knit family

I tell per politely to please stop stealing my thunder

Whether she's doing it conciously or not

Her bids for attention are really rather sad

I'm tempted to start the countdown now

spontaneously 자발적으로

'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

잡동사니  (0) 2015.02.26
오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Traveler's Joy Is Diminished by Sister's Endless Teasing  (0) 2014.11.28
이지형 - Nobody likes me  (0) 2014.11.25
JRA - By Chance  (0) 2014.11.24

Traveler's Joy Is Diminished by Sister's Endless Teasing

여동생의 끊임없는 조롱으로 여행자들의 기쁨이 폄하되되었다. 

*Dimish 줄어들다, 약해지다 / Vt. (중요성을) 깎아내리다, 폄하하다



I am a single woman who raised three kids on one average income.

전 평균 수입으로 세아이를 키운 싱글맘입니다.

They are all grown and on their own now.

*On one's own 혼자서, 단독으로(alone) / 혼자 힘으로(independently)

그들은 다 자랐고, 그들의 인생을 살고 있어요

I still save and have a tight budget, but now I can spend some money on travel.

난 돈을 모으고, 적은 생활비로 생하고 있어요, 근데 지금은 그 돈을 여행에 사용할 수 있게됐죠

I have opportunities to travel with friends and do it as often as I can afford.

그래서 난 친구들과 여행할 수 있는 기회를 얻었어요, 그리고 여유가 될때마다 최대한 자주 갈 예정이에요


The problem is my brother-in-law and sister love to tease, and they tell everyone that I'm "the rich sister."

근데 문제는 제 동생과 동생의 남편이 장난치는 것을 좋아해요, 그리고 모든 사람들에게 "내 언니는 부자에요"라고 말하고 다녀요

Abby, I am far from rich.

Abby, 전 부자랑을 좀 거리가 있죠.

I have asked them both to stop and told them their teasing hurts my feelings -- that I simply choose to spend my money differently than they do.

전 그들에게 계속 하지말라고하고, 너네의 장난이 내 기분을 망친다고 계속 얘기했죠. 걔들과 다르게 돈을 사용하는 것에 대해서 말이에요.


Our relationship has now become very strained.

*Strained Ad. 긴장한 / 껄끄러운, 불편한 / 부자연스러운

우리 관계는 껄끄러워지고 있어요.

I have only one sister and would like to be close to her, but I can't laugh off their teasing any longer. -- HURT TRAVELER

*Laugh off ~을 웃어넘기려 하다

하나밖에 없는 여동생이고, 다시 가까워지고 싶어요, 하지만 전 더이상 그들의 장난은 웃어넘길수 없었요.


DEAR HURT TRAVELER: When people persist in doing -- or saying -- something after being told it's hurtful, one has to wonder if it's not about humor at all.

*Persist ~(in sth/in doing sth) | ~(with sth) 집요하게[끈질기게] 계속하다

상처받는 얘기를 들은 후에 사람들이 집요하게 뭔갈 하고, 얘기할때, 그 사람은 그게 더이상 유머가 아니란걸 알아야 해요

I suspect that your sister and her husband are somewhat jealous over the friendships you have and the adventures you are enjoying.

전 여동생과 그 남편이 다소 당신이 즐기는 여행과 우정을 다소 질투하는 거 같이 보여요

You might be subjected to this less if you become more close-mouthed about what you're doing and where you're going.

*Subject sb/sth to sth (흔히 수동태로) ~로 하여금 ~을 당하게[겪게/시달리게] 만들다

만약 네가 뭘하는지, 어딜가는지에 대해서 더 말을 아낀다면 동생에게 덜 시달릴것 같아요

Give it a try.


한번 시도해보세요

But if the "teasing" continues, tell "Sissy" she's going to be seeing a lot less of you and then follow through.
*Sissy 계집애같은 사내아이, 패기 없는 사나이,

*Follow through 다 끝내다, 완수하다 / (계획의) 마무리

동생에게 얘기하세요, 만약 니가 계속 그런다면, 넌 날 볼 수 없을거야!! 그리고 끝!


My Opinion

My opinion is/ exactly same as Abby

They're just being jealous of you! your kids are all  grown up and you have a lot of time for your own!

I think you might not live your own life to raise your kids but finally you got your own life now!

So I just want to tell LW just enjoy your life, don't care what your sister said

I think LW is rich, Of course it's not money but feeling or mind

If your sister tease you again just say Yes, I'm rich so what? did you help me be rich? if you're jealous of me, just tell me I don't mind~!

Have a confidence of your life and youself! Just enjoy the rest of your life!!!


Actually now I'm in confusing 'cause some of my friends are working now, and they look so hard but at least they got a job. sometimes they make me kind of insecure. but I don't want to be like them 'cause they seem like a slave of company

anyway what I was about to say I'm not kind of person who acts I'm being jealous like LW's sister. 

I've tried palying it cool always that's the way I live on

I think jealousy is kind of... the expenditure of emotion

If one was jealous of someone or something, the one could just do that! It's not a big deal!




'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Dec 6th - Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory  (0) 2014.12.01
이지형 - Nobody likes me  (0) 2014.11.25
JRA - By Chance  (0) 2014.11.24
Unmarried Couple Doesn't See Eye to Eye on Living Together  (0) 2014.11.19

Sunnyday, Now I'm blinded
And in my mind Nothing can help myself

Nobody likes me, nobody likes me,
nobody likes me. I'm alone

I pin my fate on you.
Could could you heal my everything
And love me too
My everything and love me too
'cuz I love you so

★Pin sth on sb (특히 잘못이 없는데) ~을 ~의 탓으로 돌리다.

- No one would admit responsibility. They all tired to pin the blame on someone else

★Heal Vt, ~sb(of sth) (아픈 사람을) 치료하다, 고치다; (마음을) 치유하다

I pin my fate on you
Could could you take me high enough to paradise
High enough to paradise
'cuz I love you so

But you don't.



권정열 - Nobody likes me (CAPO 2)





Sunnyday, Now I'm blinded

And in my mind Nothing can help myself

Nobody likes me, nobody likes me,

nobody likes me. I'm alone


I pin my fate on you.

Could could you heal my everything

And love me too

My everything and love me too

'cuz I love you so

I pin my fate on you

Could could you take me high enough to paradise

High enough to paradise

'cuz I love you so
But you don't.



Sunnyday, Now I'm blinded

And in my mind Nothing can help myself

Nobody likes me, nobody likes me,

nobody likes me. I'm alone



I pin my fate on you.

Could could you heal my everything

And love me too

My everything and love me too

'cuz I love you so

I pin my fate on you

Could could you take me high enough to paradise

High enough to paradise

'cuz I love you so
But you don't.


Sunnyday, Now I'm blinded

And in my mind Nothing can help myself

Nobody likes me, nobody likes me,

nobody likes me. I'm alone


nobody likes me. I'm alone


nobody likes me. I'm alone

'Hobbies > Guitar' 카테고리의 다른 글

J.R.A - By Chance (You and I) 듣기 / 기타코드  (0) 2014.11.24



Hi, Girl you just caught my eye

Thought I should give it a try and get your name and your number

Go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers?

Why? Did I say that I dont know why..


★Catch somebody's eye 눈길을 끌다(모으다)

★Go grab some lunch

- Let's go grab some coffee! | 커피 한잔 어때?

- Let's go grab a bite to eat | 가서 뭐 좀 먹자.!

- Are you ready to go grab a bite? | 뭐 좀 먹으러 갈까?

- I want to go grab a quick bite | 간단히 요기나 하고 싶어요


But you're smilin' and it's something I like on your face,

Yeah it suits you, girl we connect like we have bluetooth


★On your face

★It suits you - Suit Vt, (특히 옷, 색상 등이) 어울리다


*I dont know why I'm drawn to you

Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?

And this is all based on a lucky chance

That you would rather add than subtract


*Be drawn to sb (Be attracted to sb) ~에게 끌리다


You and I could be like sonny & cher, honey & bears,

You and I could be like aladdin & jasmine

Let's make it happen



How've you been I know that it's been awhile?

Are you tired cause you've been on my mind running thousand and thousands of miles

Sorry, I know that that line's outta style


★Awhile 잠시, 얼마동안


But you, you look so beautiful on this starry night

loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes and your smile

I'm captivated

Your beauty is timeless, never outdated


★Starry 하늘에 별이 총총한

★Be captivated 넋을 빼앗기다


*I dont know why I'm drawn to you

Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?

And this is all based on a lucky chance

That you would rather add than subtract 


You and I could be like sonny & cher, honey & bears,

You and I could be like aladdin & jasmine

Let's make it happen



It's been 5 years since that special day

When I asked you on our first date

I guess it's safe to say that...


You and I are better than sonny & cher, honey & bears

You and I are better than aladdin & jasmine

We've made it happen, sing it


Let me say

you look so beautiful on our wedding day



Capo 3

   G       D      Am     C


           G           D         Am                  C          STRUM (ONCE)

G    G                     D
Hi, girl you just caught my eye
D                        Am
thought I should give it try
and get your name & your number
C                    C
go grab some lunch & eat some cucumbers
G            G
Why, did I say that?
I don't know why.
         D                            Am
But you're smilin' and it's something' i like
on your face, yeah it suits you
C (strum once)                                      Am
girl we connect like we have bluetooth

I don't know why
I'm drawn to you
                       D                    Am
Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?
                  C                 G
and this is all based on a lucky chance
                      D (strum once)
that you would rather add then subtract

G        D
  You & I
could be like sonny & cher
honey & bears
G         D
  You & I
could be like aladdin & jasmine
lets make it happen, like

G, D, Am, C
G, D, Am, C

G               G
Hey, how've you been?
I know that it's been awhile.
        D                            Am
Are you tired cause you've been on my mind
runnin' thousand & thousands of miles
C                  C
Sorry, I know that line's outta style
but you
             G                        D
you look so beautiful on this starry night
              D                           Am
loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes & your smile
i'm captivated
     C                                  Am
your beauty is timeless, never outdated

I don't know why
I'm drawn to you
                       D                    Am
Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?
                  C                 G
and this is all based on a lucky chance
                      D (strum once)
that you would rather add then subtract

G        D
  You & I
could be like sonny & cher
honey & bears, yeah
G         D
And you & I
could be like aladdin & jasmine
lets make it happen

--------0---0----|   Do this 4 times

G (strum once)                            D (strum once)
Babe, its been 5 years since that special day
                               Am (strum once)
when I asked you on our first date
    C (strum once)
i guess it's safe to say that,

G        D
You and I
Are better than sonny and cher
C                G
honey and bears,yeah
And you and I
are better than aladdin & jasmin
We made it happen, singing

G, D, Am, C
G, D, Am, C (strum once)
             G            D              A           C (Strum once)

Let me say
you look beautiful on our wedding day


'Hobbies > Guitar' 카테고리의 다른 글

권정열 - Nobody likes me cover (Orig, 이지형)  (0) 2014.11.25

Unmarried Couple Doesn't See Eye to Eye on Living Together


★Not see eye to eye on sth (with sb) ~에 대해 (~와) 의견이 다르다

- They do not see eye to eye with each other


DEAR ABBY: I am a woman in my early 20s and in my first serious relationship. I adore "Paul." We have a wonderful, respectful relationship. One day I hope we'll be married.


*Adore 흠모(사모)하다 / 아주 좋아하다

- I used to adore Mel and still think he's very talented


I feel strongly that we should not live together before we are married. He disagrees. He feels couples need to know each other's habits fully before they make a lifelong commitment.


*Lifelong (명사 앞에서만)평생 동안의, 일생의

- It represented his lifelong study of religion

*Commitment~ (to sb/sth) / (to do sth) 약속; 전념

- She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment


I understand the financial and emotional convénience of sharing a home with your loved one. However, I believe that marriage changes a living dynamic whether you have lived together or not. Conflicts that arise post-marriage can be faced with a greater sense of resolve, knowing that a formal commitment has been made.


Conflict 갈등

Arise 생기다, 발생하다

Resolve 해결하다


Abby, what's your take on this? Should couples live together before marriage? I don't want to be stubborn and say I'll never live with anyone before getting married, because I know it's a very common thing to do. What can I say to Paul and friends who disagree with me to defend my "old-fashioned" logic? -- TRADITIONALIST IN CHICAGO


What's your take on this? 이에 대한 네 생각은 어때?

Stubborn 완고한, 고집센

Traditionalist 전통주의자


DEAR TRADITIONALIST: I don't think you should argue with them on the subject at all. Just say that although many couples live together today without marriage, you aren't comfortable with it. You are not the only person who feels this way. Many people with strong religious convictions feel the way you do about it. In my opinion, this is something that couples should work out between themselves.


Connvictions (강한) 신념[의견], 확신 



My Opinion

Personally I think living together before getting married can be good but I think people should respect other's conviction.



First of all,/ Thank you for having me today for an interview.


I just hope what I'll say/ comes across well to you.


Anyway, Not only am I having knowledge and/ hands-on-experience at Semiconductor but I'm also/ having Chemisty knowledge./ The both understanding is/ helpful to sale in elecronic material feild.


and I used to help my father's business that is/ Bike Rental Shop and I used to work in a company/ as a customer. through these experiences I could understand both positions;/ sales and customer position. and/ it'd be one of my strength in sales part


Incidentally when I was attending my University,/ My nickname was Beomsoo 언니 and/ My friends told me it's because I'm quite thoughful/ and A good listener./ but I'm not saying/ I'm not good talker./ To argue logically/ Listening is the most important thing.


Anyway/ Sales is the most important part of busniess so/ I just want to tell you A Saying;/ Steve Ballmer says "Competitiveness is not influenced by product and technology, but/ by Human Being.

I just hope I could be A HUMAN BEING who can influence on your esteemed company 


Thank you for listening, Please ask me whatever you need.

Boyfriend Tugs at Heartstrings From a Very Long Distance



V | Tug (at/on) sth (세게, 흔히 여러번) 잡아당기다

- She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention | 그녀가 그의 주의를 끌려고 그의 소매를 잡아당겼다

- A sad story that tugs at your heartstrings | 심금을 울리는 슬픈 이야기

*Heartstring 심금

- tug[pull] at a person's heartstrings ~의 감정을 뒤흔들다, 심금을 울리다

- The movie has tugged at my heartstrings | 심금을 울리는 영화였어

- His words pulled at my heartstrings | 그의 말에 가슴이 찡했다


DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Cole," and I have been together since college -- several years now. We have a loving relationship, but the problem is distance. My job sometimes requires me to take short-term (two- to five-month) contracts in other cities and overseas.


1. 필요[요구]하다, 필요로 하다

- Theses pets require a lot of care an attention

2. ~sth (of sb) [흔히 수동태로] (특히 법, 규칙등에 따라) 요구하다

- The wearing of seatbelts is required by law

- All candidates will be required to take a short test



Even though it is difficult to be apart, I handle long-distance relationships relatively well while Cole does not. This began in college when I studied abroad for a semester. Cole tries to be supportive and wants me to be successful, but he takes it personally when I have to leave. For me, it's just about a job, but Cole doesn't see it that way.



I would support Cole wherever and in whatever he needed. Although it would be ideal to be together all the time, I realize that sometimes it isn't possible. Am I being selfish, or do we simply need different things out of a relationship? -- GLOBE-TROTTER IN DES MOINES

*Globe-trotter 세계 관광 여행기; 늘 세계 각지를 여행하는 사람


DEAR GLOBE-TROTTER: Are you being selfish, or is Cole being selfish? Are you willing to give up a career you have prepared for and work in so that he will no longer suffer separation anxiety? While your relationship is a loving one, the two of you have serious differences, and you must rationally decide which is more important to you. After that, everything will fall into place.

*Rationally 이성적으로, 합리적으로

*Fall/slot into place | (복잡하거나 이해하기 어려운 것이) 딱 맞아떨어지다 [분명히 이해가 되다]



My Opinion

I think she just/ relys on him/ úniláterally. it's really hard to keep a relationship in/ long distance... I think LW is/ being selfish now. Usually in relationship/ the one who leaves is/ selfish... because they would be alone in other city/ or overseas so they have to feel kinda bonding or love, etc

I think there is no such thing as love, just selfishness to both of them

They want their partner to do only what they want, LW wants him to wait for her and He wants her to come back.

and I think finally LW's boyfriend's gonna be exhausted or sick and tired of it!


it summoned up a commercial, the reason I love my gf, not Jeon-Ji-Hyun is I can touch her

I think touching(스킨쉽) is so important in relationship, because People wanna feel I'm with someone

I don't believe such thing as Platonic love it can be just between parents and children

There are plenty more fish in the sea, just go get another fish!


어쩌다 우연히 WWYD ( What would you do?!)라는 미국 TV Show를 알게 되었고,

Youtube를 통해 공부 중간중간 시청하고 있다.

보통 주제가 자극적인 부분이 많다, 인종차별이나, 성적소수자에 대한 내용들이 제일 많은 것 같았다


대부분의 미국사람들의 대한 의견이 아닌 일부의 의견들을 보여주는 프로그램이지만

그들의 한마디 한마디는 감동스럽지 않을 수 없다

특히나 귀걸이한 남자가 게이커플에게 편지를 써서 준것은 어떤 매채가 주는 감동보다도 강했다


53명 24명이 끼어들었다는 건 약 50%, 뉴욕에서는 100명 12명 단 12%...

우리 나라보다 범죄의 수준이 높은 나라니 몸을 사리는 것은 당연하겠지만

우리는 동물원을 샀다에서 "20초간에 미친 용기를 한번 가져봐! 그러면 엄청난 일이 생길거야" 라는 말이 있다

What would I do?! 한국에서 나고 자란 나로서는 힘들겠지만

그 말처럼 20초의 미친 용기는 상처받는 이들에게 엄청난 일이 생길것이고 심지어 나에게도 생길수 있을 것같다




이 영상에서 보면 뒤에 증오범죄(Hate crime)라는 말이 나온다.

그 일로 심지어 경찰도 부를 수 있는 것이다. 소수자들에게 단지 욕하고 괴롭힌다고 해서

이들의 이런 시스템은 정말 잘되있는 것 같다.

우리나라는 과하게도 가해자를 위해주는 반면 이들의 나라에서는 과하게 피해자를 위해주는 모습을 보인다

미국의 의료시스템을 도입하는 것 보다는 저런 사법시스템을 도입하는 것이 더 낫지 않을까 싶다

미국은 우리나라의 건강보험 시스템을 보고 따라하려고 하는데, 우리나라는 오히려 그들이 바꾸려고 하는 시스템으로 가려고 한다는게 아이러니인것 같다

그런거 대신에 내가 원하는 것은 강한 사법 시스템, 경찰, 소방관들의 공권력 강화로 안전한 사회에서 사는 것이다

그리고 기업의 잘못된 부분에 대해서 강하게 징계하고, 배상하게 하도록 하는게 내가 원하는 한국이다

내가 죽기전에 이루어질지 모르겠지만

제발 다른 잡생각은 좀 버리고, 본인들 생각하는 거에서 10%만, 아니 1%만이라도 국민을 위해 생각해 주면

더 좋은 나라가 될 수 있지 않을까 싶다


'끄적끄적 > 끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

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