Baby's Adoption Will Leave Hole in Grandmother's Heart

DEAR ABBY: My teenaged daughter will be giving birth soon, and she has decided to place her baby for adoption. I have told her that whatever she decides, I will support her decision.


Here is the difficult part: This will still be my biological grandchild. When this beautiful child is lovingly handed over to the adoptive parents, I will be losing a grandchild. I am already in mourning.

Are there other grandparents out there who are going -- or have gone -- through this, and how are they coping? I already see a therapist, but I would still like to know how others are coping. -- UN-GRANDPARENT IN OHIO


DEAR UN-GRANDPARENT: I wish you had told me more about the kind of adoption your daughter has chosen for her baby. If it is an open adoption in which she will be kept informed about the child's milestones and progress, ask the adoptive couple if they would welcome you as an "extra" grandparent for the child. If I hear from others who have gone through this process, I will let you know, because I'm sure they will write to help you through your heartache.


give birth to a baby / be delivered of a baby

Hand (something/someone) over (to someone)

mourn (for sth/sb) (사람의 죽음을) 애도(슬퍼)하다, 애석해(애통해)하다

cope (with sth)  대처(대응)하다


*I'm in ~한 상태야, 상황이야

I'm in a hurry

I'm in trouble

I'm in love with her

I'm in my early thirties

I'm in the middle of saying something

I'm in charge of sales department


 low birthdrate, sterility, and etc about baby or pregnancy are problems in society

and singlemom who is teenager, killing, dumping their own child is problem at the same time

 some people are in trouble because they can't have a baby and others are in trouble because they have a baby without plan. it's so ironic

 even in Korea people doesn't think adoption is not that good, it's about custom. Koreans, especially the olds think the blood is important so it's hard to adopt a baby even though they can't have a baby

and worst thing is if it unveiled, it'd be big problem

 I'd seen some American drama and in that, adoption is so natural thing. and everyone lighten them up to raise the babies even though that drama is quite old now

 and while I was traveling I saw quite many adoptive family more than I thought the reason I know is the children was not same race with their parents

 it's so cool, they look just gorgeous

 and I think we're going there, like that

 I just don't want the babies who be borned without plan or from teenager to be killed

 They just can't do anything and just be killed by their parents, I think there is nothing sadder than this


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