1. A hot potato

Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed

2. A penny for your thoughts

A way of asking what someone is thinking

3. Actions speak louder than words

People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.

4. Add insult to injury

To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.

5. An arm and a leg

Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money.

6. At the drop of a hat  = in the time

Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly.

7. Back to the drawing board

When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.

8. Ball is in your court

It is up to you to make the next decision or step

9. Barking up the wrong tree

Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person

10. Be glad to see the back of

Be happy when a person leaves.

11. Beat around the bush

Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.

12. Best of both worlds

Meaning: All the advantages.


14. Bite off more than you can chew

To take on a task that is way to big.

15. Blessing in disguise

Something good that isn't recognized at first.

16. Burn the midnight oil

To work late into the night, alluding to the time before electric lighting.

17. Can't judge a book by its cover

Cannot judge something primarily on appearance.


20. Cross that bridge when you come to it

Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before.

21. Cry over spilt milk

When you complain about a loss from the past.

22. Curiosity killed the cat

Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.

23. Cut corners

When something is done badly to save money.


25. Devil's Advocate

To present a counter argument

- 여친이랑 싸웠는데 친구가 I'll paly devil's advocate 라고 얘기하면서 같이 욕해줌


26. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched

This idiom is used to express "Don't make plans for something that might not happen".

27. Don't give up the day job

You are not very good at something. You could definitely not do it professionally.

28. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Do not put all your resources in one possibility.

29. Drastic times call for drastic measures

When you are extremely desperate you need to take drastic actions.


31. Every cloud has a silver lining

Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.

32. Far cry from

Very different from.

33. Feel a bit under the weather

Meaning: Feeling slightly ill.

34. Give the benefit of the doubt

Believe someone's statement, without proof.

35. Hear it on the grapevine → Heard it through the grapevine

This idiom means 'to hear rumors' about something or someone.



36. Hit the nail on the head

Do or say something exactly right

37. Hit the sack / sheets / hay

To go to bed.

38. In the heat of the moment

Overwhelmed by what is happening in the moment.

39. It takes two to tango

Actions or communications need more than one person

40. Jump on the bandwagon

Join a popular trend or activity.

41. Keep something at bay

Keep something away.

42. Kill two birds with one stone

This idiom means, to accomplish two different things at the same time.

43. Last straw

The final problem in a series of problems.

44. Let sleeping dogs lie

Meaning - do not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications.

45. Let the cat out of the bag

To share information that was previously concealed

46. Make a long story short

Come to the point - leave out details

47. Method to my madness

An assertion that, despite one's approach seeming random, there actually is structure to it.

48. Miss the boat

This idiom is used to say that someone missed his or her chance

49. Not a spark of decency

Meaning: No manners

50. Not playing with a full deck

Someone who lacks intelligence.

51. Off one's rocker

Crazy, demented, out of one's mind, in a confused or befuddled state of mind, senile.

52. On the ball

When someone understands the situation well.

53. Once in a blue moon

Meaning: Happens very rarely.

54. Picture paints a thousand words

A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.

55. Piece of cake

A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple.

56. Put wool over other people's eyes

This means to deceive someone into thinking well of them.

57. See eye to eye

This idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something.

58. Sit on the fence

This is used when someone does not want to choose or make a decision.

59. Speak of the devil!

This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives.

60. Steal someone's thunder

To take the credit for something someone else did.

61. Take with a grain of salt

This means not to take what someone says too seriously.

62. Taste of your own medicine

Means that something happens to you, or is done to you, that you have done to someone else

63. To hear something straight from the horse's mouth

To hear something from the authoritative source.

64. Whole nine yards

Everything. All of it.

65. Wouldn't be caught dead

Would never like to do something

66. Your guess is as good as mine

To have no idea, do not know the answer to a question


'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

How I met your mother S1 - 02  (0) 2015.06.11
How I met your mother s1 - 01  (0) 2015.06.09
잡동사니  (0) 2015.02.26
오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Dec 6th - Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory  (0) 2014.12.01

01. Right, So, Back in 2005, when I was 27


02. it got me thinking, maybe I should get married


03. I just knew I had to meet her. That's wehre your Uncle Barney came in 

     그때, 바니 삼촌이 끼어들었지


04. I was in love with her which made me say something stupid


05. I mean, I'd made a complete fool of myself


06. So, a week went by, and I decided no to call her


07. I had absolutely nothing to do with Robin

     로빈과는 전혀 아무 상관없어


08. Look who I ran into


09. As your sponsor, I will not let you relapse. You blew it, it's over

*relapse n, (병의) 재발, 악화 vi, (into sth) (이전 상태로, 나아지다가 안 좋은 상태로) 다시 빠지다, 되돌아가다


10. Ted's something else

     테드는 뭔가가 달라요...


11. I'm gonna spin that as good

*Spin (정보, 상황을, 특히 그럴듯하게) 제시하다

- 난 그걸 좋은것으로 제시할 수 있을거 같아
-> 좋은 뜻인거 같은데?


12. Comes on a little strong

     조금 강하게 다가오더군요


13. The most I can handle right now is something casual.

     지금 내가 원하는 건 가벼운 관계죠


14. This just stays between us, right?

     이거 우리 사이의 비밀인 거죠?!


15. This flapper? Fort Knox!

     저요? (신여성이요)? 절대 안전해요!

*as safe as Fort Knox(켄터키의 연방 금괴 저장소) 절대 안전한


16. You don't get there unless you play the game

    게임을 하지 않으면 거기에 도달할 수 없는거야


17. You waited five minutes to tell me that?

     그걸 5분이나 지나서 말하는 거야?!


18. If only I knew her schedule, I could arrange a chance encounter

     그녀 일정만 안다면 우연히 만날 수 있을 텐데


19. Ever since Marshall put that ring on her finger, Lily had been extra affectionate


20. my ring makes wearing other stuff seem wrong.

    내 반지가 다른 것들은 다 싫어지게 만드는 거 같아


21. What are the odds?!

     이런 우연이!!


22. How sweet of you to call it news

     '뉴스'라고 불러 주다니 고맙네요!


23. if you feel like swinging by...

*swing by ~에 잠깐 들르다


24. Hitting the books 책도 읽고


25. I got it all planned out

     모든 걸 다 짜놨어


26. Robin strolls over, and I casually give her one of these; "hey, whassup?"

    Robin이 거닐고 있으면, 난 가볍게 이렇게 말하지, Whassup?

27. Et cetera, 엣 세러라(US) 잇 세츄라(UK)


28. She's smokin!

*Smokin: super hot


29. Let's rap! 정리 좀 해보자!


30. You're a dork 참 사랑스럽기도 하다(참 얼간이다...)


31. The roof is on fire!!


32. Hey, no sweat, hombre

    (상대방의 감사, 부탁에 대한 대꾸로) 뭘 그런 걸 갖고 그래 [별거 아냐/문제없어]


33. Just like you can't turn off the way you feel


34. You're a catch

*catch (결혼 상대, 직원 등으로) 탐나는 인물




'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

Smart Idioms  (0) 2015.08.03
How I met your mother s1 - 01  (0) 2015.06.09
잡동사니  (0) 2015.02.26
오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Dec 6th - Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory  (0) 2014.12.01

★It was way back in 2005

그건 꽤 오래 전인 2005년이었지

It was back in 2008, I should go to Army...

I was back in college, I just such a jerk 


★and then Uncle Marshall went and screwed the whole thing up


★You pop the champagne

샴페인을 터뜨리다!!


★You drink a toast

축배를 들다! / 마시다!


I've been there for all the moments of you and Lilly

- I wanna be there for all the moments of my kids


★Uncle Marshall was talking the biggest step of his life

- At that time, I just took the biggest step of my life.


★I'm calling up your Uncle Barney


★so you know how I've always had a thing for half-Asian girls?!

내가 항상 혼혈 아시안 여자들에게 관심있었던거 알지?!

*Have a thing for ~을 좋아하다, ~에게 마음이 있다, ~에 관심이 있다.

- so you know how I've always had a thing for

- so you know how I've always had a thing for tall girls, so it can't be helped

- I know you have a thing for him, it's pretty obvious


★Well I've got a new favorite... Lebanese girls

난 이제 레바논 여자들이 좋아졌어

- Well I've got a new favorite... sth!!!


Just once, when I say suit up, I wish you'd put on a suit

- Just once, when I tell you 'do that' I wish you'd do that!

- Just once, when I tell you 'clean your room' I wish you'd clean up!


Before long, I'm that weird, middle-aged bachelor their kids call Uncle Ted

Before long 머지 않아, 얼마 후, 이윽고

- We'll know before long


It dooesn't go with your suit

그건 네 정장과 안 어울려

- it doesn't go with


After last time you looked really creepy without eyebrows

- After last time


★I think you'll find I'm full of surprises tonight?

오늘밤 난 놀라움으로 가득찬 사람이란걸 알게 될걸?

- You'll find I'm kinda passionate tonight

- You'll find I'm the best candidate fot this company!


★So he was pretty good at thinking on his feet

일어서서, 서서 // (병 후에) 일어나서, 다 나아서 // (경제적으로) 독립[자립]하여 // 방심하지 않고 // 즉석의[에서], 즉흥적인[으로]

그는 즉흥적으로 생각해서 말하는 걸 잘했지

- He is a man who thinks on his feet, speaks extémporáneously

  그는 즉흥적으로 말할 수 있는 순발력이 있는 사람이다


★Nothing hotter than a guy planning out his own imaginary wedding


★the other just slips out when you're half drunk at some bar

slip out (비빌이 입에서) 무심코 튀어나오다 / ~부터 슬며시 빠져나오다

- I let the secret slip out by mistake

  나는 그만 실수로 비밀을 입 밖에 내고 말았다

- I'm sorry I said that, It just slipped out

  내가 그 말을 한 건 미안해. 그냥 무심코 튀어나왔어.


★Why am I freaking out all of sudden


★How does Carl land a lebanese girl?

칼은 어떻게 레바논 여자와 사귀게 됏을까?

- How do you land that job?

  너 거기에 어떻게 취직했니?!

☆Land ~에 착륙하다 / ~에 도달하다


★Then I'll stratégically place myself by the jukebox

그리고 전략적으로 쥬크박스 옆에 가야지


★This guy can barely even spank me in bed for fun

- I can barely swear at girls

- I can barely hear you

  잘 들리지 않아요

- I could barely sleep last night

- These seats are terrible! I can barely see a thing!

- I can barely understand what kids these days are saying

- I can barely make ends meet with my current salary

  지금 월급으로는 생활하기도 빠듯하다

- My throat hurt so much I can barely sip/drink water

- It's so cold that my mouth is frozen and I can barely speak

  얼마나 추운지 입이 얼어 말이 안 나올 정도다

- Trying to study for an exam, but I can barely stay awake.

  시험 공부 하려고 하는데, 깨어있기 조차도 힘들어

- I'm so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open

- My hams and quads are shot and I can barely walk

  내 햄스트링이랑 쿼드가 당겨서 잘 걷지도 못하겟어

- I'm so stuffed[full] that I can barely move

  배가 꽉 차서 움직이지도 못하겠어

- Between my after-school job and SAT classes, I can barely take a breath

  방과후에 아르바이트 끝내고 SAT 준비반을 듣는데 그 사이에는 숨 쉴 틈도 없다

- My measly paycheck can barely cover my rent and living expenses

  내 쥐꼬라만한 월급으로 집세와 생활비를 겨우 해결할 수 있다


★Oh, your friends don't seem to happy

- Why is there 'too'?!?!


★You could throw a drink in my face. I don't mind

내 열굴을 술을 끼얹어도 괜찮아요


★Some guy's attempting to make the world's biggest pancake

*attempt to ~하려고 시도하다


★What's takin' so long?!

What took you so long?


★I know this is a long shot but how 'bout tomorrow night?

아마 어렵겠지만, 내일 밤은 어때요?

- This is a long shot



★I thought we were playin laser tag tomorrow night

내일 밤에 레이져 전투하러 가기로 했잖아

Yeah I was never gonna go play laser tag

- Why did they use 'past tense'


★Son, a piece of advice

충고 한 마디


★When you go on a first date

첫 데이트에선!


★Girls don't \like that

일반적으로 여자들은 그걸 좋아하지 않아!


★Can quote obscure lines from Ghostbusters


★And I'm saving the best for last!

최고는 마지막을 위해 아껴두었지


In a weird way, that's what makes them such a great couple

이상하게 들리겠지만


★I've had a jar of olives just sitting in my fridge forever


★I could take 'em off your hands

take sth off sb's hands

- take something away from somebody who no longer wants it or take a responsibility from somebody who needs a rest

- I wish somebody would take this old table off my hands. I haven't got room for it

- Look, you and Tony relax at the weekend, and I'll take the children off your hands for a couple of days


★It is on til the break of dawn 동이 틀때까지 계속 된다네!

- It's gonna be on til the break of dawn


★It's only the break of 10:30


★I want our first kiss to be amazing


★So you chickened out like a little bitch?!


★I don't need to take frist kiss advice from some pirate


★I need your opinion on something


★Not if you don't get the signal


Mark my words, you'll never see that one again!

내말 새겨들어!!


★I never do anything crazy I'm always waiting for the moment, planning the moment


★Well she's leaving tomorrow. This may be the only moment I'm gonna get


★All right! but under one condition

좋아! 하지만 한가지 조건이 있어!


★Stop the car, pull over right here


★Moment of truth 진실의 순간


★Ted's gonna get it on with a TV reporter

- get it on (with sb) ~와 자다


★Kiss the crap outta that girl!!

끝내주게 키스해버려!!

the crap out of 몹시

beat the crap out of: To beat really badly!!

- You need to beat the crap out of kids like that

  저런 녀석들은 다리몽둥이를 부러뜨려 놓아야 한다!


As I walked up to that door, a million thoughts raced through my mind

그 문으로 걸어가면서 수 많은 생각이 떠올랐단다


★Okay! that's my Barney limit!

좋아, 난 바니 못봐주겟다


★I'm gonna see if that bodega has a bathroom


★A simple 'no' would have sufficed

suffice (formal) 충분하다


★So Ted, what brings you back to Brooklyn at 1:00 in the morning in a suit?


★you said your stomache's been hurting! right?!


★You're hungry for experiecne, hungry for something new!


★We'll make it work

- 우린 이게 되게 할거야!


★We can't just abandon Ted


★If it doesn't go well up there, he's gonna need some support


★If a hypothetical woman were to bear with me through all this, I think I'd make a damn good husband!


★Because that's the stuff I'd be good at! 왜냐면 그게 내가 잘하는 거거든요


★That long, lingering handshake? you should've kissed her

lingering (쉬 끝나거나 사라지지 않고) 오래 끄는(가는)


★Yeah, Ted, we're not on you anymore

그래, 테드, 네 얘긴 이제 그만하자


★I asked her about it years later

나는 몇 년 후에 그걸 그녀에게 물어봤어


★It turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was forming

'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

Smart Idioms  (0) 2015.08.03
How I met your mother S1 - 02  (0) 2015.06.11
잡동사니  (0) 2015.02.26
오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Dec 6th - Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory  (0) 2014.12.01

I have pins and needles
My foot's asleep
- asleep = unable to feel
다리 저리다

indian food doesn't agree with me
인디안 음식이 나랑 맞지 않나봐


Pick up line
1) 진부한 corny
2) 싸구려 Cheezy
3) 촌스러워 nerdy
4) 시시해 구려 lame

Can I get your picture to prove all my friends that Angels really do exist

Did you fall from heaven? Because your face is fucked up



★ Key Word
ㆍa hoot and a half

a hoot an a half는 캐나다에서 잘 쓰이는 표현으로 물론 미국에서도 의미는 통합니다.
우선 hoot이 아주 우스운/재미있는 상황/사람을 의미합니다.
a hoot an a half는 그냥 hoot 보다 0.5배 더 재미있다는 의미 입니다.
즉, 엄청나게, 무지하게 재미있는 상황/사람을 의미합니다.

빅뱅이론 S2 E1에서 쉘든이 다음과 같이 표현합니다.
I don’t know what Arctic expedition you guys were on, but I thought it was a hoot and a half.
북극의 어떤 면이 그랬는지 몰라도 나는 킹왕짱 재밌었는데.

자료 참조: 빅뱅이론, 스픽케어



01) Somebody's at the door on the ceiling

= Somebody's knocking at the door

= Somebody's here


→ Who is it? / Who's there? / Yes?


02) How's that coffee coming, dear?

= Is the coffee ready?

= Can I have a cup of coffee?

= I'd like a cup of coffee.


☆How is it coming?! 진도가 어떻냐? 진행이 잘되고 있냐?


03) I need these hangers seperated ASAP

☆As soon as possible

Call me back ASAP / Reply ASAP / This is due ASAP


04) I've been there

- I've been there, done that.

= I know what you're talking about

= I know what you mean


05) He's very charming.

= He's very cute

= He's very nice

= He's very attractive


☆Prince Charming (매력, 친절함 등을 다 갖춘) 완벽한 남자 친구[남편]


06) You're not supposed to start wth her

☆Start with somebody

= annoy, get to, make angry, mess with


07) Don't cry out loud

= Don't make crying sounds.


I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away five months ago after a heart attack.

I believe all mourners should hear it

Out of all the friends we had, only one couple said those words to me.

it seems like many of my so-called friends have fallen off the face of the earth.

it is the wife who "nurtures" the social relationships

Something similar may be causing their reluctance to talk about your wife.

They may fear that bringing her up in conversation will somehow cause you pain, which is why they avoid it.

If you want to end your isolation,

You can bring her up first to put them at ease.

If you want to spend time with your friends, reach out and call them first.

they might not want to spend time dwelling on your dead wife with you.

*Dwell on/upon sth ~을 곱씹다,

It's a shame his friends are blowing him off.

*Blow sb off ~를 바람맞히다 / 관계를 청산하다


I feel like she's trying to one-up me or divert attention away from my child

*One-up (on sb) 한발 앞서다

*Divert attention 주의를 전환하다 /

*Away (from sb/sth) (시간적, 공간적으로) 떨어져[떨어진 곳에] / 자리에 없는, 결석한

We come from a big, tight-knit family

I tell her politely to please stop stealing my thunder

*Steal one’s thunder 관심을 가로채다 / Center of the attention 초미의 관심사 (주목하고 있는 한 가운데)

Whether she's doing it consciously or not

*Consciously 의식[자각]하여, 의식적으로

Her bids for attention are really rather sad

*Bid for attention = Pay attention

I'm tempted to start the countdown now

*Be tempted to ~하고 싶다, ~하도록 유혹당하다

Spontaneously 자발적으로


Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory


I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away five months ago after a heart attack.

전 5달전에 심장마비로 죽은 아주 매력적인 여자와 결혼했었습니다.

Why do people act as if the one who has passed away never existed?

왜 사람들은 어떤 사람을 죽으면 아예 없었던 사람처럼 행동할까요?

Please talk about her. Talk about her often. Tell me good things about her.

제 와이프에 대해 얘기하고, 더 자주 얘기하고, 좋았던 점들을 얘기해줬음 좋겠어요

If you wonder about the right thing to say -- and I believe all mourners should hear it -- here it is: Tell me my wife loved me, tell me I made her happy, tell me she knew I loved her and knew she made me happy.

만약 뭐가 올바르게 얘기하는 건지 궁금하다면, 그리고 모든 문상객들이 들어야 한다고 믿는것은, 여기있어. 나에게 얘기해줘 내 와이프가 날 사랑했다고, 내가 그녈 행복하게 해줬다고, 내가 사랑했다는걸 그녀가 알고 있었다고 그리고 그녀가 날 행복하게 만들었다는 것 알고 있었다고.

Repeat it as often as you can.

될수 있으면 자주 말해줘

Out of all the friends we had, only one couple said those words to me.

내 친구들 중에 오직 한 커플만이 내게 이 이야기를 해젔어요

When I heard them I cried, but I was also comforted.

들었을 때 난 울었지만, 물론 위로도 됐었어요.

Also, it seems like many of my so-called friends have fallen off the face of the earth.

또한 이건 소위 내 많은 친구들이 사라지는 것과 같아요 *Vanish off the face of the earth | 흔적도 없이 사라지다. 연기처럼 사라지다.

Now is when they are needed most.

지금 그들이 가장 필요한 때에요

I wish I knew why they don't come to see me. Is it me? -- ALONE IN ALABAMA

난 내가 그들이 왜 난 보러 오지 않는 이유를 알고 있었으면 좋겠어요. 내가 문제인가요?



Probably not.

아마도 그건 아닐거에요

There could be more than one reason for it.

한가지 이유가 아닐거에요

With many couples, it is the wife who "nurtures" the social relationships.

많은 커플들은 그건 당신의 와이프에요 사화적 관계를 키운

Also, your friends may be afraid that because they are couples and you are a widower, you might be uncomfortable spending time with them.

물론 다른 친구들은 아마 두려워 할거에요 그들은 커플이고 당신은 홀아비니까 당신이 아마 불편하게 느낄감정 그들과 함꼐 시간을 보내는 동안

Something similar may be causing their reluctance to talk about your wife.

뭔가 비슷한것은 아마 일어나고 있어요 그들의 꺼림이 말할때 당신의 와이프에 대해서

They may fear that bringing her up in conversation will somehow cause you pain, which is why they avoid it.

그들은 아마 무서울거에요 그녀를 대화에 불러일으키는 것이 아마 다소 당신의 아픔을 일으킨다고 그게 왜 그들이 그걸 피하는 이유일거에요

Death is an uncomfortable subject for many people, but I hope my readers will take your comments to heart.

죽음은 불편한 주제죠 많은 사람들에게, 하지만 난 바래요 내 독자들은 당신의 얘기를 마음으로 담을 거라고

If you want to end your isolation, you may have to call your friends and invite them instead of being passive and waiting for them to contact you.

만약 당신이 고립을 끝내고 싶다면 너는 아마 해야해 전화를 네 친구들에게 그리고 초대해 그들을 수동적으로, 연락을 기다리는 대신아

Please accept my sympathy for your loss.

삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다




- They don’t want to talk about her, because they don’t know how you’ll react. You can bring her up first to put them at ease.
If you want to spend time with your friends, reach out and call them first.
However, they might not want to spend time dwelling on your dead wife with you.

*Dwell on/upon sth ~을 곱씹다,

Death makes people uncomfortable. The fact that you started crying while talking to one couple might explain their reluctance.


- It doesn't seem like his friends aren't being very supportive. There's nothing wrong with one of them picking up the phone to say hi and check in. It's a shame his friends are blowing him off.

*Blow sb off ~를 바람맞히다 / 관계를 청산하다



My opinion

Death... that is really hard thing to deal with....!

Even me, it's really hard to comfort someone who lose their family

Once I went to a funeral that my friend's little brother, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere. at that time I realized it's kind of sin to die before parents and I can not forget my friend's parents' look. they doesn't lose their kid, but a part of their body, soul.

anyway I couldn't do anything at that time 'cause even though I said or did something, nothing would change.

Maybe that's why LW's friends could't say anything about LW's wife

everytime I go to funerals, I always hope all of people spend their whole life and die.

It's not LW's fault but If LW told their friends I'm okay, just come tell me about my wife, they'd be pleased to visit him.


I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away five months ago after a heart attack.

I believe all mourners should hear it

Out of all the friends we had, only one couple said those words to me.

it seems like many of my so-called friends have fallen off the face of the earth.

it is the wife who "nurtures" the social relationships

Something similar may be causing their reluctance to talk about your wife.

They may fear that bringing her up in conversation will somehow cause you pain, which is why they avoid it.

If you want to end your isolation,

 You can bring her up first to put them at ease.
If you want to spend time with your friends, reach out and call them first.

they might not want to spend time dwelling on your dead wife with you.

*Dwell on/upon sth ~을 곱씹다,

It's a shame his friends are blowing him off.

*Blow sb off ~를 바람맞히다 / 관계를 청산하다


I feel like she's trying to one-up me or divert attention away from my child

We come from a big, tight-knit family

I tell per politely to please stop stealing my thunder

Whether she's doing it conciously or not

Her bids for attention are really rather sad

I'm tempted to start the countdown now

spontaneously 자발적으로

'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

잡동사니  (0) 2015.02.26
오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Traveler's Joy Is Diminished by Sister's Endless Teasing  (0) 2014.11.28
이지형 - Nobody likes me  (0) 2014.11.25
JRA - By Chance  (0) 2014.11.24

Traveler's Joy Is Diminished by Sister's Endless Teasing

여동생의 끊임없는 조롱으로 여행자들의 기쁨이 폄하되되었다. 

*Dimish 줄어들다, 약해지다 / Vt. (중요성을) 깎아내리다, 폄하하다



I am a single woman who raised three kids on one average income.

전 평균 수입으로 세아이를 키운 싱글맘입니다.

They are all grown and on their own now.

*On one's own 혼자서, 단독으로(alone) / 혼자 힘으로(independently)

그들은 다 자랐고, 그들의 인생을 살고 있어요

I still save and have a tight budget, but now I can spend some money on travel.

난 돈을 모으고, 적은 생활비로 생하고 있어요, 근데 지금은 그 돈을 여행에 사용할 수 있게됐죠

I have opportunities to travel with friends and do it as often as I can afford.

그래서 난 친구들과 여행할 수 있는 기회를 얻었어요, 그리고 여유가 될때마다 최대한 자주 갈 예정이에요


The problem is my brother-in-law and sister love to tease, and they tell everyone that I'm "the rich sister."

근데 문제는 제 동생과 동생의 남편이 장난치는 것을 좋아해요, 그리고 모든 사람들에게 "내 언니는 부자에요"라고 말하고 다녀요

Abby, I am far from rich.

Abby, 전 부자랑을 좀 거리가 있죠.

I have asked them both to stop and told them their teasing hurts my feelings -- that I simply choose to spend my money differently than they do.

전 그들에게 계속 하지말라고하고, 너네의 장난이 내 기분을 망친다고 계속 얘기했죠. 걔들과 다르게 돈을 사용하는 것에 대해서 말이에요.


Our relationship has now become very strained.

*Strained Ad. 긴장한 / 껄끄러운, 불편한 / 부자연스러운

우리 관계는 껄끄러워지고 있어요.

I have only one sister and would like to be close to her, but I can't laugh off their teasing any longer. -- HURT TRAVELER

*Laugh off ~을 웃어넘기려 하다

하나밖에 없는 여동생이고, 다시 가까워지고 싶어요, 하지만 전 더이상 그들의 장난은 웃어넘길수 없었요.


DEAR HURT TRAVELER: When people persist in doing -- or saying -- something after being told it's hurtful, one has to wonder if it's not about humor at all.

*Persist ~(in sth/in doing sth) | ~(with sth) 집요하게[끈질기게] 계속하다

상처받는 얘기를 들은 후에 사람들이 집요하게 뭔갈 하고, 얘기할때, 그 사람은 그게 더이상 유머가 아니란걸 알아야 해요

I suspect that your sister and her husband are somewhat jealous over the friendships you have and the adventures you are enjoying.

전 여동생과 그 남편이 다소 당신이 즐기는 여행과 우정을 다소 질투하는 거 같이 보여요

You might be subjected to this less if you become more close-mouthed about what you're doing and where you're going.

*Subject sb/sth to sth (흔히 수동태로) ~로 하여금 ~을 당하게[겪게/시달리게] 만들다

만약 네가 뭘하는지, 어딜가는지에 대해서 더 말을 아낀다면 동생에게 덜 시달릴것 같아요

Give it a try.


한번 시도해보세요

But if the "teasing" continues, tell "Sissy" she's going to be seeing a lot less of you and then follow through.
*Sissy 계집애같은 사내아이, 패기 없는 사나이,

*Follow through 다 끝내다, 완수하다 / (계획의) 마무리

동생에게 얘기하세요, 만약 니가 계속 그런다면, 넌 날 볼 수 없을거야!! 그리고 끝!


My Opinion

My opinion is/ exactly same as Abby

They're just being jealous of you! your kids are all  grown up and you have a lot of time for your own!

I think you might not live your own life to raise your kids but finally you got your own life now!

So I just want to tell LW just enjoy your life, don't care what your sister said

I think LW is rich, Of course it's not money but feeling or mind

If your sister tease you again just say Yes, I'm rich so what? did you help me be rich? if you're jealous of me, just tell me I don't mind~!

Have a confidence of your life and youself! Just enjoy the rest of your life!!!


Actually now I'm in confusing 'cause some of my friends are working now, and they look so hard but at least they got a job. sometimes they make me kind of insecure. but I don't want to be like them 'cause they seem like a slave of company

anyway what I was about to say I'm not kind of person who acts I'm being jealous like LW's sister. 

I've tried palying it cool always that's the way I live on

I think jealousy is kind of... the expenditure of emotion

If one was jealous of someone or something, the one could just do that! It's not a big deal!




'외쿡말 > ETC' 카테고리의 다른 글

오늘의 한마디 #1  (0) 2015.02.15
Dec 6th - Widower Buried His Wife, but Welcomes Her Memory  (0) 2014.12.01
이지형 - Nobody likes me  (0) 2014.11.25
JRA - By Chance  (0) 2014.11.24
Unmarried Couple Doesn't See Eye to Eye on Living Together  (0) 2014.11.19

Sunnyday, Now I'm blinded
And in my mind Nothing can help myself

Nobody likes me, nobody likes me,
nobody likes me. I'm alone

I pin my fate on you.
Could could you heal my everything
And love me too
My everything and love me too
'cuz I love you so

★Pin sth on sb (특히 잘못이 없는데) ~을 ~의 탓으로 돌리다.

- No one would admit responsibility. They all tired to pin the blame on someone else

★Heal Vt, ~sb(of sth) (아픈 사람을) 치료하다, 고치다; (마음을) 치유하다

I pin my fate on you
Could could you take me high enough to paradise
High enough to paradise
'cuz I love you so

But you don't.



Hi, Girl you just caught my eye

Thought I should give it a try and get your name and your number

Go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers?

Why? Did I say that I dont know why..


★Catch somebody's eye 눈길을 끌다(모으다)

★Go grab some lunch

- Let's go grab some coffee! | 커피 한잔 어때?

- Let's go grab a bite to eat | 가서 뭐 좀 먹자.!

- Are you ready to go grab a bite? | 뭐 좀 먹으러 갈까?

- I want to go grab a quick bite | 간단히 요기나 하고 싶어요


But you're smilin' and it's something I like on your face,

Yeah it suits you, girl we connect like we have bluetooth


★On your face

★It suits you - Suit Vt, (특히 옷, 색상 등이) 어울리다


*I dont know why I'm drawn to you

Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?

And this is all based on a lucky chance

That you would rather add than subtract


*Be drawn to sb (Be attracted to sb) ~에게 끌리다


You and I could be like sonny & cher, honey & bears,

You and I could be like aladdin & jasmine

Let's make it happen



How've you been I know that it's been awhile?

Are you tired cause you've been on my mind running thousand and thousands of miles

Sorry, I know that that line's outta style


★Awhile 잠시, 얼마동안


But you, you look so beautiful on this starry night

loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes and your smile

I'm captivated

Your beauty is timeless, never outdated


★Starry 하늘에 별이 총총한

★Be captivated 넋을 빼앗기다


*I dont know why I'm drawn to you

Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?

And this is all based on a lucky chance

That you would rather add than subtract 


You and I could be like sonny & cher, honey & bears,

You and I could be like aladdin & jasmine

Let's make it happen



It's been 5 years since that special day

When I asked you on our first date

I guess it's safe to say that...


You and I are better than sonny & cher, honey & bears

You and I are better than aladdin & jasmine

We've made it happen, sing it


Let me say

you look so beautiful on our wedding day

Unmarried Couple Doesn't See Eye to Eye on Living Together


★Not see eye to eye on sth (with sb) ~에 대해 (~와) 의견이 다르다

- They do not see eye to eye with each other


DEAR ABBY: I am a woman in my early 20s and in my first serious relationship. I adore "Paul." We have a wonderful, respectful relationship. One day I hope we'll be married.


*Adore 흠모(사모)하다 / 아주 좋아하다

- I used to adore Mel and still think he's very talented


I feel strongly that we should not live together before we are married. He disagrees. He feels couples need to know each other's habits fully before they make a lifelong commitment.


*Lifelong (명사 앞에서만)평생 동안의, 일생의

- It represented his lifelong study of religion

*Commitment~ (to sb/sth) / (to do sth) 약속; 전념

- She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment


I understand the financial and emotional convénience of sharing a home with your loved one. However, I believe that marriage changes a living dynamic whether you have lived together or not. Conflicts that arise post-marriage can be faced with a greater sense of resolve, knowing that a formal commitment has been made.


Conflict 갈등

Arise 생기다, 발생하다

Resolve 해결하다


Abby, what's your take on this? Should couples live together before marriage? I don't want to be stubborn and say I'll never live with anyone before getting married, because I know it's a very common thing to do. What can I say to Paul and friends who disagree with me to defend my "old-fashioned" logic? -- TRADITIONALIST IN CHICAGO


What's your take on this? 이에 대한 네 생각은 어때?

Stubborn 완고한, 고집센

Traditionalist 전통주의자


DEAR TRADITIONALIST: I don't think you should argue with them on the subject at all. Just say that although many couples live together today without marriage, you aren't comfortable with it. You are not the only person who feels this way. Many people with strong religious convictions feel the way you do about it. In my opinion, this is something that couples should work out between themselves.


Connvictions (강한) 신념[의견], 확신 



My Opinion

Personally I think living together before getting married can be good but I think people should respect other's conviction.



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