[Monica's room / Roos and Rachel are in the room]


Ross: So Rachel, What're you up to toníght?

Ross: 그래서 Rachel, 오늘 밤 뭐할꺼야?

Rach: Well, I was kinda suppósed to be in Aruba on my hóneymoon... so nothing!

Rach: 글쎄, 지금 이시간엔 허니문으로 Aruba에 있어야 하는데... 할거 없어!

Ross: Aruba? this time of year, big lízards. Anyway if you're free, could you help me?

Ross: Aruba? 이 시기엔, 도마뱀이 많지! 아무튼! 시간되면 나 좀 도와줄래?

Rach: Help you? What do you want me to do for you?

Rach: 널 도와? 뭘 해줬으면 하는데?

Ross: Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put toéether my new fúrniture.

Ross: Joey랑 Chandler가 새 가구 조립하는거 도와주러 올거야

Rach: Well, Actually, I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. it's been kinda a long day

Rach: 글쎄, 실은, 나 오늘 여기좀 돌아다니려고 하는데, 제법 긴 하루였거든

Ross: Okay! sure

Ross: 그래 좋아


Be up to “의무적으로 할일

- It’s up to you 너에게 달려있어

- What are you up to tonight? 오늘밤에 바빠?


★Be supposed to 가정되다/예측되다 (미래+의무+가정)

- He’s supposed to here 그 놈 여기로 오기로 했는데


★Anyway = by the way = anyhow


★Put together 조립하다


★Hang out 밖에 돌아다니다(놀다) = hang around




[Monica's room / Roos and Rachel are in the room]


Ross: So Rachel, What're you up to toníght?

Ross: 그래서 Rachel, 오늘 밤 뭐할꺼야?

Rach: Well, I was kinda suppósed to be in Aruba on my hóneymoon... so nothing!

Rach: 글쎄, 지금 이시간엔 허니문으로 Aruba에 있어야 하는데... 할거 없어!

Ross: Aruba? this time of year, big lízards. Anyway if you're free, could you help me?

Ross: Aruba? 이 시기엔, 도마뱀이 많지! 아무튼! 시간되면 나 좀 도와줄래?

Rach: Help you? What do you want me to do for you?

Rach: 널 도와? 뭘 해줬으면 하는데?

Ross: Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put toéether my new fúrniture.

Ross: Joey랑 Chandler가 새 가구 조립하는거 도와주러 올거야

Rach: Well, Actually, I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. it's been kinda a long day

Rach: 글쎄, 실은, 나 오늘 여기좀 돌아다니려고 하는데, 제법 긴 하루였거든

Ross: Okay! sure

Ross: 그래 좋아

'외쿡말 > 일빵빵' 카테고리의 다른 글

Scene 009 "I'm just about to"  (0) 2014.10.15
Scene 008 "I'm gonna"  (0) 2014.10.15
Scene 006 "What do you want to"  (0) 2014.10.15
Scene 005 "I just wanted to let"  (0) 2014.10.15
Scene 004 "I just wated to"  (0) 2014.10.15

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