Boyfriend Tugs at Heartstrings From a Very Long Distance



V | Tug (at/on) sth (세게, 흔히 여러번) 잡아당기다

- She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention | 그녀가 그의 주의를 끌려고 그의 소매를 잡아당겼다

- A sad story that tugs at your heartstrings | 심금을 울리는 슬픈 이야기

*Heartstring 심금

- tug[pull] at a person's heartstrings ~의 감정을 뒤흔들다, 심금을 울리다

- The movie has tugged at my heartstrings | 심금을 울리는 영화였어

- His words pulled at my heartstrings | 그의 말에 가슴이 찡했다


DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Cole," and I have been together since college -- several years now. We have a loving relationship, but the problem is distance. My job sometimes requires me to take short-term (two- to five-month) contracts in other cities and overseas.


1. 필요[요구]하다, 필요로 하다

- Theses pets require a lot of care an attention

2. ~sth (of sb) [흔히 수동태로] (특히 법, 규칙등에 따라) 요구하다

- The wearing of seatbelts is required by law

- All candidates will be required to take a short test



Even though it is difficult to be apart, I handle long-distance relationships relatively well while Cole does not. This began in college when I studied abroad for a semester. Cole tries to be supportive and wants me to be successful, but he takes it personally when I have to leave. For me, it's just about a job, but Cole doesn't see it that way.



I would support Cole wherever and in whatever he needed. Although it would be ideal to be together all the time, I realize that sometimes it isn't possible. Am I being selfish, or do we simply need different things out of a relationship? -- GLOBE-TROTTER IN DES MOINES

*Globe-trotter 세계 관광 여행기; 늘 세계 각지를 여행하는 사람


DEAR GLOBE-TROTTER: Are you being selfish, or is Cole being selfish? Are you willing to give up a career you have prepared for and work in so that he will no longer suffer separation anxiety? While your relationship is a loving one, the two of you have serious differences, and you must rationally decide which is more important to you. After that, everything will fall into place.

*Rationally 이성적으로, 합리적으로

*Fall/slot into place | (복잡하거나 이해하기 어려운 것이) 딱 맞아떨어지다 [분명히 이해가 되다]



My Opinion

I think she just/ relys on him/ úniláterally. it's really hard to keep a relationship in/ long distance... I think LW is/ being selfish now. Usually in relationship/ the one who leaves is/ selfish... because they would be alone in other city/ or overseas so they have to feel kinda bonding or love, etc

I think there is no such thing as love, just selfishness to both of them

They want their partner to do only what they want, LW wants him to wait for her and He wants her to come back.

and I think finally LW's boyfriend's gonna be exhausted or sick and tired of it!


it summoned up a commercial, the reason I love my gf, not Jeon-Ji-Hyun is I can touch her

I think touching(스킨쉽) is so important in relationship, because People wanna feel I'm with someone

I don't believe such thing as Platonic love it can be just between parents and children

There are plenty more fish in the sea, just go get another fish!

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