First of all,/ Thank you for having me today for an interview.


I just hope what I'll say/ comes across well to you.


Anyway, Not only am I having knowledge and/ hands-on-experience at Semiconductor but I'm also/ having Chemisty knowledge./ The both understanding is/ helpful to sale in elecronic material feild.


and I used to help my father's business that is/ Bike Rental Shop and I used to work in a company/ as a customer. through these experiences I could understand both positions;/ sales and customer position. and/ it'd be one of my strength in sales part


Incidentally when I was attending my University,/ My nickname was Beomsoo 언니 and/ My friends told me it's because I'm quite thoughful/ and A good listener./ but I'm not saying/ I'm not good talker./ To argue logically/ Listening is the most important thing.


Anyway/ Sales is the most important part of busniess so/ I just want to tell you A Saying;/ Steve Ballmer says "Competitiveness is not influenced by product and technology, but/ by Human Being.

I just hope I could be A HUMAN BEING who can influence on your esteemed company 


Thank you for listening, Please ask me whatever you need.

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